Fairfield County Government Complex at Mt. Zion

About This Project

After suffering from significant economic hardships over the last five years, the County faced unfortunate timing of having to relocate its Government Complex due to deteriorating property conditions and small size. The County thought its only option was to build a new $11M+ Government Complex, but couldn’t proceed in this direction as the County lacked sufficient bond financing capacity. 

Jordan and his partner offered an alternative option to the County: utilize creative financing that would save at least $3.5M over 20 years than the new construction option. By placing the County’s Government Complex in the historic Mt. Zion Institute and leveraging various sources including historic tax credits and New Markets Tax Credits, Fairfield County is positioned to use its new Government Complex as an anchor for the County’s future economic, cultural, and civic successes. 

Fairfield County’s new Government Complex will also enable it to expand it’s after-school enrichment activities, broaden its recreational activities through a restored gymnasium with fitness room, and offer more cultural programming in the renovated auditorium. 

Impacts of the Government Complex will expand out of its new campus, located adjacent to downtown Winnsboro, SC, which will also see revitalization along its Main Street from this project.